Results for 'S. D. B. ks Kazimierz Gryżenia'

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  1.  14
    Współczesna moralność bez etyki?S. D. B. ks Kazimierz Gryżenia - 2009 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 12 (1):205-217.
    According to the essential arguments of post-modernism (relativism and subjectivism in particular), which was popular in last decades, there is no point in dealing with moral philosophy. Post-modernists admit, however, that moral is worth discussing yet with a different approach then before. This new approach is totally opposed to the morality of the bygone decades and lacks a wide spectrum of values such as the objective truth, norms or principles and other generally accepted values. The new morality is supposed to (...)
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    Autentyzm a uczciwość. Zgodność czy rozbieżność?S. D. B. ks Kazimierz Gryżenia - 2010 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 13 (1):77-86.
    Our contemporary life is said to be in conformity with what we do. People tend to be honest and trustworthy unlike those in the past - in the Victorian times, for example, when there were elements of hypocrisy and conventional behaviour among citizens. Many people nowadays live their lives according to their own subjective beliefs; and they speak openly about their both good and bad deeds – even if some of them were kept secret to the public. And the public (...)
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    Chrześcijańska przeszłość dla kultury integrującej się Europy.S. D. B. ks Kazimierz Gryżenia - 2008 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 11 (1):123-134.
    The last few years are the time of the ongoing integration of Europe and its vivid discussion about it. The thorny issue is the role and the place of Christianity in the life of Europe. Pope John Paul II had authoritatively taught on the issue. His teaching is a kind of antidote against those who are in favour of Europe without God. The European culture is not a monolith since it is inhabited by many nations with a different characteristic but (...)
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    Patriotyzm w nauczaniu Kościoła katolickiego.S. D. B. ks Piotr Przesmycki - 2008 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 11 (2):195-203.
    In nearly every modern society, patriotism, as a form of love related to one’s homeland, possesses its own specific semantic colours. This is so due to historical and cultural differences between nations. In recent debates about the condition of patriotism in Poland as well as political disputes, patriotism is often mentioned as, alongside with others, a civilian virtue. According to various research on public opinions, patriotism is recognised as one of the most distinctive characteristics of the Poles (beside religiousness and (...)
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    Działalność Zgromadzenia Salezjańskiego na płaszczyźnie wychowania ku wartościom moralnym i społecznym.S. D. B. ks Jerzy Gocko - 2010 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 13 (1):35-39.
    This article portrays the most important elements of the Salesian formation and education in the context of social life. It also points out the specifics of the community and its charism which set the foundations for this congregation. The conclusion is a reflection on the key elements of the Salesian mission in the present world.
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    Polityka – etyka – Kościół. Wzajemność relacji w świetle tekstów Josepha Ratzingera – Benedykta XVI.S. D. B. ks Piotr Przesmycki - 2012 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 15:297-311.
    This article consisting of four points, shows the subject of multiple relationships between the realities of politics, ethics and the Catholic Church. The issue was presented on the basis of the writings and speeches of Joseph Ratzinger, the current Pope Benedict XVI. Article begins with a presentation of the relationship between politics and ethics as seen in historical perspective. The second section presents the so-called „political ethics” of the first Christian communities in the light of the indications contained in some (...)
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    Davida Bohma filozofia ukrytego porządku.S. D. B. Rodzeń - 1991 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 13.
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    al-Iʻtidāl al-fikrī wa-atharuhu fī ḥimāyat al-basharīyah: dirāsah taʼṣīlīyah fī ḍawʼ al-nuṣūṣ al-sharʻīyah.Bū ʻAṣṣāb & Saʻīd ibn Aḥmad - 2021 - al-Qāhirah: Dār al-Salām lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ wa-al-Tarjamah.
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    The influence of efficient atomic packing on the constitution of metallic glasses.D. B. Miracle, W. S. Sanders & O. N. Senkov - 2003 - Philosophical Magazine 83 (20):2409-2428.
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    On Constructing the Disorder of Hysteria.D. B. Allison & M. S. Roberts - 1994 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 19 (3):239-259.
    The concept of hysteria is traced from Hippocrates, where it was thought to be caused by a wandering uterus, through Galen and up to Freud. Throughout the history of medicine from the early Greeks up to the end of the nineteenth century, the definition and diagnosis of hysteria had a function similar to that found in the persecution of witchcraft: it sought to eradicate the outbursts of nonconforming and emotionally threatening conduct of women. At the beginning of the twentieth century, (...)
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  11.  42
    Isotopic spin selection rules IX: The 9.58 MeV state of16O.S. D. Bloom, B. J. Toppel & D. H. Wilkinson - 1957 - Philosophical Magazine 2 (13):57-60.
  12.  22
    Other Works. [REVIEW]E. S. & W. D. B. - 1929 - Modern Schoolman 5 (2):13-14.
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    Edited GluR2, a gatekeeper for motor neurone survival?S. D. Buckingham, S. Kwak, A. K. Jones, S. E. Blackshaw & D. B. Sattelle - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (11-12):1185-1192.
    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive degenerative disorder of motor neurones. Although the genetic basis of familial forms of ALS has been well explored, the molecular basis of sporadic ALS is less well understood. Recent evidence has linked sporadic ALS with the failure to edit key residues in ionotropic glutamate receptors, resulting in excessive influx of calcium ions into motor neurones which in turn triggers cell death. Here we suggest that edited AMPA glutamate (GluR2) receptor subunits serve as gatekeepers (...)
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  14.  19
    The Politics of the Third World.D. E. S. & J. D. B. Miller - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (2):394.
  15.  20
    A study of the influence of precipitate-free zones on the strain localization and failure of the aluminium alloy AA7075-T651.M. Fourmeau, C. D. Marioara, T. Børvik, A. Benallal & O. S. Hopperstad - 2015 - Philosophical Magazine 95 (28-30):3278-3304.
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    Lyman continuum leakage in faint star-forming galaxies at redshift z=3-3.5 probed by gamma-ray bursts.J. -B. Vielfaure, S. D. Vergani, J. Japelj, J. P. U. Fynbo, M. Gronke, K. E. Heintz, D. B. Malesani, P. Petitjean, N. R. Tanvir, V. D. D'Elia, D. A. Kann, J. T. Palmerio, R. Salvaterra, K. Wiersema, M. Arabsalmani, S. Campana, S. Covino, M. De Pasquale, A. de Ugarte Postigo, F. Hammer, D. H. Hartmann, P. Jakobsson, C. Kouveliotou, T. Laskar, Andrew J. Levan & A. Rossi - forthcoming - Astronomy and Astrophysics.
    Context. The identification of the sources that reionized the Universe and their specific contribution to this process are key missing pieces of our knowledge of the early Universe. Faint star-forming galaxies may be the main contributors to the ionizing photon budget during the epoch of reionization, but their escaping photons cannot be detected directly due to inter-galactic medium opacity. Hence, it is essential to characterize the properties of faint galaxies with significant Lyman continuum photon leakage up to z 4 to (...)
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    Sūkṣmāgama I: Chapters 1–13. Critical Edition. Edited with an introduction by S. Sambandhaśivācāryaand T. Ganesan. Collection Indologie, vol. 114, no. 1. Pondicherry : Institut Français de Pondichéry / École française d'Extrême-Orient, 2010. Pp. l + 203. 650 Rs., € 28.Sūkṣmāgama II: Chapters 14–53. Critical Edition. Edited with an introduction by S. Sambandhaśivācārya, B. Dagens, M.-L. Barazer-billoret, and T. Ganesan. Jean Filliozat Series in South Asian Culture and History, no. 3. Pondicherry : Institut Français de Pondichéry, 2012. Pp. clxiii + 403. [REVIEW]Ginni Ishimatsu - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 134 (2):310-311.
    Sūkṣmāgama I: Chapters 1–13. Critical Edition. Edited with an introduction by S. Sambandhaśivācārya and T. Ganesan. Collection Indologie, vol. 114, no. 1. Pondicherry: Institut Français de Pondichéry / École Française d’Extrême-Orient, 2010. Pp. l + 203. 650 Rs., € 28. Sūkṣmāgama II: Chapters 14–53. Critical Edition. Edited with an introduction by S. Sambandhaśivācārya, B. Dagens, M.-l. Barazer-Billoret, and T. Ganesan. Jean Filliozat Series in South Asian Culture and History, no. 3. Pondicherry: institut Français de Pondichéry, 2012. Pp. clxiii + 403.
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  18. Hamiltonian Formulation of Statistical Ensembles and Mixed States of Quantum and Hybrid Systems.N. Burić, D. B. Popović, M. Radonjić & S. Prvanović - 2013 - Foundations of Physics 43 (12):1459-1477.
    Representation of quantum states by statistical ensembles on the quantum phase space in the Hamiltonian form of quantum mechanics is analyzed. Various mathematical properties and some physical interpretations of the equivalence classes of ensembles representing a mixed quantum state in the Hamiltonian formulation are examined. In particular, non-uniqueness of the quantum phase space probability density associated with the quantum mixed state, Liouville dynamics of the probability densities and the possibility to represent the reduced states of bipartite systems by marginal distributions (...)
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  19. Benton, RA, 527 Blackburn, P., 281 Braüner, T., 359 Brink, C., 543.S. Chopra, B. J. Copeland, E. Corazza, S. Donaho, F. Ferreira, H. Field, D. M. Gabbay, L. Goldstein, J. Heidema & M. J. Hill - 2002 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 31 (615).
  20. Culture as Violence.B. J. Bergen & S. D. Rosenberg - 1976 - Humanitas 12:195-205.
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  21. The self-organizing consciousness.S. D. Preston & B. M. de Waal - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (1):515-526.
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  22. Speech synthesis, perception and comprehension of.S. J. Winters & D. B. Pisoni - 2005 - In Keith Brown, Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier. pp. 12--31.
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  23. Index of Authors Volume 5, 2001.A. Acevedo, E. H. Y. Boo, J. Brinkmann, E. S. Callahan, B. Castro, L. Chalip, P. M. Clikeman, L. Dickie, J. Down & D. D. DuFrene - 2001 - Teaching Business Ethics 5 (485).
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    Isotopic spin selection rules X: The 7.18 MeV state of20Ne.B. J. Toppel, S. D. Bloom & D. H. Wilkinson - 1957 - Philosophical Magazine 2 (13):61-62.
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  25. Susan Schneider's Proposed Tests for AI Consciousness: Promising but Flawed.D. B. Udell & Eric Schwitzgebel - 2021 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 28 (5-6):121-144.
    Susan Schneider (2019) has proposed two new tests for consciousness in AI (artificial intelligence) systems, the AI Consciousness Test and the Chip Test. On their face, the two tests seem to have the virtue of proving satisfactory to a wide range of consciousness theorists holding divergent theoretical positions, rather than narrowly relying on the truth of any particular theory of consciousness. Unfortunately, both tests are undermined in having an ‘audience problem’: Those theorists with the kind of architectural worries that motivate (...)
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  26.  44
    Franz Brentano's Axiology: Some Corrections to Mr. Kubat's Paper.D. B. Terrell - 1959 - Review of Metaphysics 12 (4):639-648.
    Mr. Kubat attributes much of the misinformation about Brentano's theories to the lack of an edition of Brentano's collected writing. If anyone should wish to know more about Brentano's doctrines, he may have been led by this remark to despair of finding them anywhere in print. The three works which Mr. Kubat mentions, Grundlegung und Aufbau der Ethik, Religion und Philosophie, and Die Lehre vom richtigen Urteil, all edited by F. Mayer-Hillebrand and published by A. Francke in Bern, represent no (...)
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    BOLD Responses in Human Primary Visual Cortex are Insensitive to Substantial Changes in Neural Activity.J. B. Swettenham, S. D. Muthukumaraswamy & K. D. Singh - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  28. The Philosopher as Intellectual Historian and the Irony of Rorty's Hypothetical Dewey.D. B. Curtis - 2004 - Journal of Thought 39 (3):27-42.
  29. Nepotistic patterns of violent psychopathy: evidence for adaptation?D. B. Krupp, L. A. Sewall, M. L. Lalumière, C. Sheriff & G. T. Harris - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3:1-8.
    Psychopaths routinely disregard social norms by engaging in selfish, antisocial, often violent behavior. Commonly characterized as mentally disordered, recent evidence suggests that psychopaths are executing a well-functioning, if unscrupulous strategy that historically increased reproductive success at the expense of others. Natural selection ought to have favored strategies that spared close kin from harm, however, because actions affecting the fitness of genetic relatives contribute to an individual’s inclusive fitness. Conversely, there is evidence that mental disorders can disrupt psychological mechanisms designed to (...)
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  30.  13
    "Response to Nigel M. de S. Cameron's" Bioethics and the challenge of the post-consensus society.D. B. Fletcher - 1994 - Ethics and Medicine: A Christian Perspective on Issues in Bioethics 11 (1):7-12.
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    The Art of Educating with V Diagrams.D. B. Gowin - 2005 - Cambridge University Press. Edited by D. B. Gowin.
    This book focuses on the mind and its ability to seek answers to unknown or unanswered questions. The theory of educating provides the grounding for using V diagrams by students, educators, researchers, and parents. Teachers make lesson plans using V diagrams and concept maps. They become expert coaches in guiding student performances. Students learn to construct their own knowledge. They change from question-answerers to question-askers. Parents share meaning with their children and their children's teachers and administrators. Administrators monitor programs and (...)
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    Point defect generation, nano-void formation and growth. II. Criterion for ductile failure.S. Saimoto, B. J. Diak & D. J. Lloyd - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (15):1915-1936.
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  33. J. Effect of Non-Monetary Inputs in Winter Maize Production.V. P. Singh, S. D. Bam, T. P. Singh & S. B. Singh - 1992 - In B. C. Chattopadhyay, Science and technology for rural development. New Delhi: S. Chand & Co..
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  34. New books. [REVIEW]Alice Woods, G. A. Johnston, W. W., C. W., H. R. Mackintosh, R. F. Alfred Hoernlé, A. S., W. Anderson, F. C. S. Schiller, B. D. & P. E. B. Jourdain - 1915 - Mind 24 (94):264-276.
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    New books. [REVIEW]Howard V. Knox, A. E. Taylor, John Laird, F. C. S. Schiller, Bernard Bosanquet, L. J. Russel, S. W. & B. D. - 1921 - Mind 30 (119):354-374.
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    A Grammar of the Homeric Dialect.T. D. S. & D. B. Monro - 1882 - American Journal of Philology 3 (12):473.
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  37. A pragmatic approach to the demarcation problem.B. D. - 2000 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 31 (2):249-267.
    The question of how to distinguish between science and non-science, the so-called ' demarcation problem', is one of the most high-profile, perennial, and intractable issues in the philosophy of science. It is not merely a philosophical issue, however, since it has a significant bearing on practical policy questions and practical decisions. This essay develops a pragmatic approach to the demarcation problem: it argues that while there are some core principles that we can use in distinguishing between science and non-science, particular (...)
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    Formation mechanism of nanostructures in austenitic stainless steel during equal channel angular pressing.C. X. Huang, G. Yang, B. Deng, S. D. Wu, S. X. Li & Z. F. Zhang - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (31):4949-4971.
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  39. Hand Gesture Segmentation.A. A. Randive, H. B. Mali & S. D. Lokhande - 2012 - In Zdravko Radman, The Hand. MIT Press. pp. 2--3.
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  40. Denis, P. St., 29 Ferreira, F., 165 Foulks, F., 235 Fuhrmann, A., 559 Guelev, DP, 575.L. Åqvist, R. Bradley, D. S. Bridges, B. Brown, D. DeVidi, C. Oakes, M. Pagnucco, G. Priest & P. la ReedRoeper - 1999 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 28 (663).
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    Maturity of children to consent to medical research: the babysitter test.G. Koren, D. B. Carmeli, Y. S. Carmeli & R. Haslam - 1993 - Journal of Medical Ethics 19 (3):142-147.
    The age of maturity of children to consent for medical research is under debate, as different authorities regard the capacity of young teenagers as either satisfactory or not to grant consent without parental participation in the process. The present paper contrasts the generally accepted guideline for ethics in paediatric research in Canada with what the same children are allowed and expected to be able to do as babysitters. This comparison reveals deep incongruences in the way the maturity of the same (...)
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  42.  16
    The form of the edge emission band in CdS and ZnS crystals.B. G. Yacobi, S. Datta & D. B. Holt - 1977 - Philosophical Magazine 35 (1):145-158.
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  43. Innovation in Maxwell's Electromagnetic Theory: Molecular Vortices, Displacement Current and Light.Daniel M. Siegel & D. B. Wilson - 1994 - Annals of Science 51 (3):317-318.
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  44. A Multicenter Weighted Lottery to Equitably Allocate Scarce COVID-19 Therapeutics.D. B. White, E. K. McCreary, C. H. Chang, M. Schmidhofer, J. R. Bariola, N. N. Jonassaint, Parag A. Pathak, G. Persad, R. D. Truog, T. Sonmez & M. Utku Unver - 2022 - American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 206 (4):503–506.
    Shortages of new therapeutics to treat coronavirus disease (COVID-19) have forced clinicians, public health officials, and health systems to grapple with difficult questions about how to fairly allocate potentially life-saving treatments when there are not enough for all patients in need (1). Shortages have occurred with remdesivir, tocilizumab, monoclonal antibodies, and the oral antiviral Paxlovid (2) -/- Ensuring equitable allocation is especially important in light of the disproportionate burden experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic by disadvantaged groups, including Black, Hispanic/Latino and (...)
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    Eclecticism and Adolf Meyer's functional understanding of mental illness.D. B. Double - 2007 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 14 (4):pp. 356-358.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Eclecticism and Adolf Meyer’s Functional Understanding of Mental IllnessD. B. Double (bio)KeywordsAdolf Meyer, eclecticism, functionalism, biopsychosocial modelGhaemi’s Commentary and Meyer’s ‘Eclecticism’I am not against humanism. How could anyone be against the humanistic wisdom rooted in the worthy writings of Socrates, Hippocrates, Shakespeare, Cervantes, Osler, and the others listed by Nassir Ghaemi? Psychiatry should recognize the dignity and value of all people. The problem is that it may not always (...)
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    Christ's Redemptive Sacrifice. [REVIEW]B. B. D. - 1964 - Review of Metaphysics 17 (3):477-477.
    Part of a series designed to present theology to college students in a relevant and incisive fashion, this particular monograph fails to come to grips with the crucial issues of soteriology raised by a philosophic study of man, and contents itself with a rehearsal of scriptural and doctrinal data. When theological reasoning occurs--as in the final chapter--it is seriously marred by its failure to deal with counterpositions.--D. B. B.
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    Growth mode induced carrier localization in InGaN/GaN quantum wells.N. Grandjean, E. Feltin, R. Butté, J. -F. Carlin, S. Sonderegger, B. Deveaud & J. -D. Ganière - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (13):2067-2075.
  48. Shame as a Tool for Persuasion in Plato's Gorgias.D. B. Futter - 2009 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 47 (3):451-461.
    In Gorgias, Socrates stands accused of argumentative "foul play" involving manipulation by shame. Polus says that Socrates wins the fight with Gorgias by shaming him into the admission that "a rhetorician knows what is right . . . and would teach this to his pupils" . And later, when Polus himself has been "tied up" and "muzzled" , Callicles says that he was refuted only because he was ashamed to reveal his true convictions. These allegations, if justified, directly undermine Socrates' (...)
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    Ədəbi-filoloji hermenevtika bədii mətndə mənaların interpretasiya texnikası kimi.Cavanşir Yusifli - 2024 - Metafizika 7 (2):10-30.
    Ədəbi hermenevtika bədii mətndə mənaların şərh edilməsi problemini öyrənir, onu bir sıra filologiya sahələrinin sərhəddində araşdırır və beləliklə, bədii mətnə filoloji-tənqidi yanaşmanın yeni meyarlarını yaradır. Ədəbi hermenevtikanı bir filoloji sahə kimi meydana çıxaran zərurət bədii mətndə mənaların dərinliyini kəşf etmək olmuşdur. O, eyni zamanda klassik bədii mətnlərlə müasir bədii mətnlər arasındakı estetik qovuşma və ayrılmanı izah edir, bunların hər ikisinin kəsişmə nöqtlərini nişan verir. Modern bədii mətn quru yerdə yaranmır, onu düzüb-qoşan sənətkarın ruhundan qopsa da, ənənəyə bağlanır, keçmişə, məhz öz (...)
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    Medium- and high-spin band structure of the chiral-candidate nucleus Pr-134.J. Timar, K. Starosta, I. Kuti, D. Sohler, D. B. Fossan, T. Koike, E. S. Paul, A. J. Boston, H. J. Chantler, M. Descovich, R. M. Clark, M. Cromaz, P. Fallon, I. Y. Lee, A. O. Macchiavelli, C. J. Chiara, R. Wadsworth, A. A. Hecht, D. Almehed, S. Frauendorf & Bob Wadsworth - unknown
    Medium- and high-spin states of Pr-134 were populated using the Cd-116(Na-23, 5n) reaction and studied with the GAMMASPHERE spectrometer. Several new bands have been found in this nucleus, one of them being linked to the previously observed chiral-candidate twin-band structure. The ground state of Pr-134 could be determined through establishing a level structure that connects the two previously known long-lived isomeric states. Unambiguous spin-parity assignments for the excited states could be performed based on the known 2(-) spin-parity of the ground (...)
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